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IMAP Portugal advises French hospital group Vivalto Santé on the acquisition of Portuguese hospital operator Lusíadas Saúde

Lusíadas Saúde is the 3rd largest private hospital operator in Portugal, with almost €400M in revenues, more than 5,400 employees, and 11 healthcare units

IMAP is pleased to announce that IMAP Portugal acted as exclusive financial advisor to Vivalto Santé and Vivalto Partners from France on the acquisition of 100% of Lusíadas Saúde Group, one of the top 3 hospital groups in Portugal.

Vivalto Partners is the controlling shareholder of Vivalto Santé. Founded in 2009 by Daniel Caille, former founder and CEO of Générale de Santé (now Ramsay Santé), alongside a group of physicians, Vivalto Santé has become the 3rd largest private hospital player in France. The group runs 58 healthcare facilities in France and also has strong regional positions in Spain and Switzerland, with more than 10,000 employed caregivers, 3,000 self-employed physicians and revenues above €1bn.

Lusíadas Saúde is the 3rd largest private hospital operator in Portugal, with almost €400M in revenues, more than 5,400 employees, and 11 healthcare units, including 5 private inpatient hospitals and 1 public hospital managed under a public-private partnership (PPP) arrangement.

This operation is a landmark for Vivalto Santé’s international expansion plan being carried out in a number of European countries.

The IMAP Portugal team, led by Gonçalo Vaz Botelho and Pedro Benites, acted as exclusive financial advisor to Vivalto on this transaction.

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