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IMAP India advises Rane Holdings Limited on the sale of its telematics business to eTrans Solutions

T4U provides fleet management and GPS based track and trace solutions in India. Its clients include large global MNCs, Indian Government Entities, and prominent Indian Startups.

IMAP India has advised Rane Holdings Limited, part of the $1 billion Rane Group, on the sale of its telematics business, Rane T4U Pvt Ltd (“T4U”), to eTrans Solutions Pvt. Ltd (“eTrans”).

T4U provides fleet management and GPS based track and trace solutions in India. Its clients include large global MNCs, Indian Government Entities, and prominent Indian Startups. In 2017, the company was acquired by the Rane Group, a leading Indian automotive components conglomerate.

Founded in 2000, eTrans is among the earliest providers of GPS based track & trace solutions in India. The company’s clients include major industrial houses in sectors such as Mining, Steel, and Automotive with a strong presence in Eastern India.

The IMAP India team, led by Praveen Nair and Bhargav Vishwanath, studied the fragmented vehicle telematics space in India and identified consolidation opportunities. eTrans with its strong presence in Eastern India and T4U with its presence in Southern India provided a complementary client base, as well as differentiated solutions creating significant synergies for this transaction. The combined business unit creates a platform with ~110 employees, 20+ customers and a strong presence across India.

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