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IMAP advises dry bulk silo transport specialist NTM on sale to Rhenus Logistics

NTM is an innovative and highly experienced logistics partner specializing in the Dry Bulk industry

IMAP is pleased to announce that Nederlandse Transport Maatschappij (NTM), a national and international dry bulk silo transport specialist, has been acquired by Rhenus Logistics.

NTM is an innovative and highly experienced logistics partner specializing in the Dry Bulk industry. Founded in 1974, it has been a subsidiary of Sievert Logistik SE, active in the Road Transport industry for 100+ years, since 2010. The company specializes in full-service international transport, warehousing, and value-added logistics of dry bulk goods primarily for the Construction, Petrochemical, Plastic, Wholesale, and Offshore industries. NTM operates a fleet of approximately 35 trucks and two warehouses located at the Dutch-German border.

Rhenus Logistics is a logistics service provider focused on being a value-added partner for its customers. The company analyses highly complex logistics processes along supply chains and optimizes them with tailor-made solutions for procurement, production, and distribution. The Rhenus Group, its parent company, employs over 37,500 people across 970 sites and offers solutions to a wide range of industries including Multimodal Transport, Warehousing, Customs Clearance, and innovative value-added services.

The sales process was initiated by the former owner of Sievert Logistics SE in line with its new corporate strategy focussing on transport and logistics services in Germany. NTM’s strategy includes the further development of its logistics activities with its clients increasingly looking for integrated transport and logistics services. NTM was looking for a strategic partner which recognized the value potential and strategy of the company. Rhenus Logistics’ expertise in value-added services and warehousing made them the ideal candidate. By acquiring NTM, Rhenus Logistics significantly strengthens its position within the Netherlands and the dry bulk industry which is a market that is expected to experience significant growth going forward.

The IMAP Netherlands team, led by Axel Fuhri Snethlage, Steven Klaren, and Iris Karthaus, exclusively advised NTM.

Andreus Aras, Head of Corporate Strategy development at Sievert, shared: “It was a pleasure to work with IMAP during the NTM transaction. Axel and his team supported us during the whole process, and we appreciate the professional, proactive, and hands-on approach of the team.”

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