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IMAP Netherlands advises smart technical services platform Nexton on sale to construction company Dura Vermeer

Nexton, a technical service provider composed of several independent specialized companies, was acquired to strengthen the newly formed technical division of construction company Dura Vermeer.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Nexton, a technical service provider composed of several independent specialized companies, was acquired to strengthen the newly formed technical division of construction company Dura Vermeer.

Nexton is a technical service provider with a total revenue of € 47.5 million in 2022. Headquartered in Amsterdam, Nexton is made up of a group of independent companies combining a strong base of traditional installation services with innovative consultancy, design, product development and maintenance of building-related installations. As an integrated technical service provider, Nexton has expertise in the areas of smart buildings, energy transition, circularity, sustainability and as-a-service concepts. In addition, Nexton has launched several ventures for innovative and smart solutions in different sectors.

Dura Vermeer is a Dutch family business active in the construction sector and realized a total revenue of € 1.6 billion in 2021. The company was founded 1855 and grew to become a company with residential construction, commercial construction, infrastructure and engineering divisions. The company is headquartered in Rotterdam and operates from multiple offices in the Netherlands. It has more than 20 independent operating subsidiaries, all with a strong local footprint.

Nexton is witnessing strong growth in the smart technical services industry amid the growing trends of sustainability and energy transition, and related technologies. Nexton initiated the sales process with the intention of finding a strategic partner to seize the opportunity in this interesting and growing market. Dura Vermeer sees the importance of technical services as an integral part of construction and infrastructure projects increasing. Technology is of decisive importance in meeting customer demand. With this acquisition, Dura Vermeer is fulfilling the strategic growth ambitions of the technical division of Dura Vermeer.

The IMAP Netherlands team, led by Balthazar den Breems, Willem op de Hoek, Daan Zandbergen and Pim Oude Wesselink, exclusively advised Nexton.

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