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IMAP Netherlands advises on sale of insulation technology and scaffolding service specialist Wiko to Remondis Maintenance and Services

Wiko specializes in insulation and scaffolding and offers its clients a multidisciplinary portfolio of services, including thermal insulation, acoustic insulation, fireproof penetrations, scaffolding, rope access, and tracing

IMAP is pleased to announce that Wiko Isolatietechniek en Steigerbouw (“Wiko”), an established Dutch insulation technology and scaffolding service specialist for various industrial sectors, has been acquired by the Remondis Maintenance and Services group (“RMS”).

Wiko, founded in 1968 and headquartered in Rotterdam, is a unique family business offering outstanding value for over 50 years. The company specializes in insulation and scaffolding and offers its clients a multidisciplinary portfolio of services, including thermal insulation, acoustic insulation, fireproof penetrations, scaffolding, rope access, and tracing. Wiko has a strong presence in industrial sectors such as Petrochemical, Chemical, Energy, Food, Ship- and Yacht Building as well as Offshore, where it performs new construction, renovation and repair work. The company has more than 150 employees. Following the takeover, Wiko's management will continue to lead the organization with the same vision and service orientation.

Remondis Maintenance and Services Group is part of the Rethmann-Group. The Rethmann-Group operates four corporate groups: Remondis (environmental and water management and industrial services), Rhenus (logistic services), Saria (Recycling), and Transdev (public transport operator) with a combined revenue of more than EUR21 billion. RMS is active in industrial services and its goal is to become an integrated industrial services provider for Dutch industry. It is already active in the Dutch industrial market via REYM, a company specialized in industrial cleaning. With the acquisition of Wiko, RMS expands its portfolio to include insulation and scaffolding services.

IMAP Netherlands has ample experience in advising family-owned businesses and a strong track record in the Industrial Services market. Throughout this transaction, it leveraged its expertise and well-developed international network to facilitate a competitive sales process, resulting in a transaction at attractive terms and conditions with the most suitable buyer. The IMAP Netherlands team, led by Balthazar den Breems and Daan Zandbergen, advised Wiko on the sale and supported the sellers throughout the transaction process.

The Managing Director of Wiko, Dennis van Wingerden, commented: “We look back on the sales process with a very good feeling. The cooperation with IMAP was excellent. They understand well what is involved in a family business, have good advice and are very knowledgeable.”

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