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IMAP Netherlands advises restaurant chain De Beren on acquisition of food delivery franchise group De Bezorgberen

With its acquisition of De Bezorgberen Holding, De Beren accelerates the group’s growth, as well as increases its diversification.

IMAP Netherlands advised the shareholders of De Beren Holding (‘De Beren’) on the acquisition of De Bezorgberen Holding. De Beren is a successful and well-known restaurant chain operating 44 restaurants in the Netherlands. De Bezorgberen Holding runs 22 franchise food delivery restaurants following De Beren recipes.

The De Bezorgberen food delivery business was sold 15 years ago to a business partner, which led to a split with the restaurant operation, resulting in issues both internally and with clients. With this transaction, all ‘De Beren’ restaurants and delivery operations are part of the same group again, offering high-quality and affordable meals throughout the Netherlands.

With its acquisition of De Bezorgberen Holding, De Beren accelerates the group’s growth, as well as increases its diversification. This will also help to strengthen its position during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and prepare it for any future crises.

The transaction is supported by favorable market developments. The restaurant delivery business is a fast-growing market and growth is further accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis. Based on Statista market reports, a growth rate of 8.8% (CAGR) is expected in the Dutch online food delivery market through 2024. In addition, restaurant chains still have a relatively low market share in the Netherlands compared to other countries.

The IMAP Netherlands team acted as buy-side advisor to the shareholders of De Beren Holding B.V.

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