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Snapshot of IMAP Netherland's Perspective on the Digital Agencies Market

Since 2006, the Digital Advertising market has experienced great economic growth. In 2019 IMAP Netherlands performed extensive research into Digital Agencies and published this sector report in mid Q4 19. The conclusions in this report are still relevant.

Market Overview

The Digital Advertising market has experienced huge economic growth since 2006.

In 2019, IMAP Netherlands performed an extensive research into Digital Agencies and published this sector report in the middle of Q4 019.

The conclusions in this report are still valid and relevant. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, the market is under pressure.

Nevertheless, we see that strategic partnerships and transactions are still being established in this fragmented market. An overview of recent transaction activity can be found here. 


Watch the video below for a snapshot of the market today.

Links to the Reports

Click here to view >> Updated Transactions September 2020 Addendum to the Q4 2019 Report

Click here to view >> IMAP's M&A Perspective on Digital Agencies


Do you wish to obtain more information? Please do not hesitate to contact any of our colleagues below: 

Cees van Vliet  - - +31 (0) 6 1589 6182

Guillaume Petit - - +31 (0) 6 4607 6723

Tjalie Steenbergen - - + 31 (0) 6 4095 2996

Steven Klaren - - +31 (0) 6 8686 7191

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