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Value Enhancement Partners (VEP) takes a majority stake in fire and blast resistant doors and walls specialist InterDam Holding (InterDam)

nterDam, an international market leader in fire and blast resistant architectural products for the oil and gas and offshore renewables sectors, has partnered with VE Partners to accelerate its ambitious growth plans and continue the outstanding success it has achieved in supporting customers creating a safer workplace since its foundation in 2007.

InterDam, an international market leader in fire and blast resistant architectural products for the oil and gas and offshore renewables sectors, has partnered with VE Partners to accelerate its ambitious growth plans and continue the outstanding success it has achieved in supporting customers creating a safer workplace since its foundation in 2007.

In recent years InterDam has gone through a period of explosive growth in turnover with its innovative products. The acquisition will enable InterDam to further realise its national and international growth ambitions.

About InterDam

Since 2007 InterDam has been supplying certified and cost-effective architectural products for refineries, oil and gas platforms and offshore wind stations (platforms). InterDam's product portfolio includes fire and blast resistant doors and walls, fire-resistant windows and high-quality facing. InterDam's products are designed to protect people and equipment in hazardous locations.

About Value Enhancement Partners

Investment company VEP focuses on complex investments and acts not only as a financier but also as an active long-term operational and strategic partner. VEP is always looking for companies to strengthen. The potential for development of the companies is key. VEP can contribute to the further expansion of InterDam's growth ambition.

IMAP Netherlands assisted InterDam in the sale of a majority interest in its share capital to VEP. The deal team of IMAP Netherlands consisted of Jan-Pieter Borst, Frank Ruijgrok and Daan Zandbergen. IMAP has a strong global involvement in transactions in the (offshore) oil & gas sector.

Jan-Pieter Borstst from IMAP Netherlands commented: "InterDam is a company with a strong management team that has been able to show its innovative and certified products, despite a challenging market, double digit and even triple digit growth figures for a number of years in a row. An enormous achievement. With VEP as an experienced partner in international growth potential, we are confident that this growth will be managed in a sound way."

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