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IMAP Netherlands advise Mtel in its acquisition by Evolve IP

Cloud services provider Evolve IP has acquired Mtel, a cloud communications firm based in the Netherlands, as part of its ongoing growth strategy and to increase its presence in Europe.

Cloud services provider Evolve IP has acquired Mtel, a cloud communications firm based in the Netherlands, as part of its ongoing growth strategy and to increase its presence in Europe.

About Mtel

Established in 1999, Mtel provides best-of-breed cloud communications solutions including contact center, IP phone systems, and business collaboration tools.

About Evolve
Evolve IP is a Cloud Services Company. They provide organizations with a unified option for cloud services such as virtual servers, virtual desktops, disaster recovery, IP telephony, unified communications, contact centers, and more.

The deal team at IMAP Netherlands was: Peer Joosten, Willem op de Hoek, Pieter op den Kamp and Wouter Mostert. 

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