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Five offices supervise Rotterdam Harbour - FPS deal

FPS Global Logistics has acquired an 80% interest in Rotterdam Harbour Holding (RHH). FPS is a subsidiary of Singapore Post, a global logistics service provider.

FPS Global Logistics has acquired an 80% interest in Rotterdam Harbor Holding (RHH). FPS is a subsidiary of Singapore Post, a global logistics service provider. The transaction - completed last July 2015 - was supervised by professionals from five agencies: IMAP Netherlands, HVG Law, Crowe Horwath, DLA Piper and EY.

Rotterdam Harbor Holding (RHH) is a logistics service provider specializing in container groupage - ie the transport of goods that are not container-filling in themselves, but are combined by the service provider with other goods into a container-filling load. One of RHH's operating companies is Trans Ocean Pacific (TOP), which as a logistics service provider specializes in fully servicing (container) transport and logistics services for small and medium-sized businesses. TOP has an extensive logistics network worldwide and mainly transports from China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, the United States, and Central and South America.

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